Congratulations to comrade Wang Zhengfeng of Kuwait electromechanical engineering for being selected as a leader in science and technology innovation in Shiyan

  • source:未知     
  • pubTime: 2023-09-17 19:04      
  • author: admin

The Support Program for Leading Talents in Science and Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship is a major talent project determined by the Municipal Party Committee and Government. It is an important component of the construction of the leading talent team in science and technology in Hubei Province and an important recommendation channel of the National High level Talent Special Support Program (Ten Thousand Talents Program). Its core task is to cultivate and nurture high-level science and technology innovation and entrepreneurship talents.
Congratulations to Comrade Wang Zhengfeng of Kewei Electromechanical on being selected as a leading talent in science and technology innovation under the "Science and Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Leading Talent Support Program" in Shiyan City!

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